Meadow Park Family Dentistry Blog

Is It Harder to Floss with Invisalign?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 9:00 pm
Floss spells "floss" in cursive

Invisalign has empowered millions of people to comfortably and discreetly straighten their teeth without the conspicuous metal parts and irksome dietary requirements that come with traditional braces. While Invisalign clear aligners can be easily removed for meals, it’s of great importance to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before wearing them again. Here’s a quick overview of the importance of flossing with Invisalign and some tips for effectively cleaning between your teeth.


Back-to-School Tips for Teens: Don’t Forget Your Lunch – And Your Invisalign!

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 11:12 pm
Teenager holding her Invisalign like she’s about to insert it

The first day of school can be stressful enough. Between getting ready, navigating to their classrooms, and taking in a bunch of new information, your teen might feel like a whirlwind just picked them up and spat them out. It would be understandable if they forgot all about their Invisalign aligners!

While not a world-ending mistake, leaving Invisalign out of their mouth for prolonged periods can lengthen your teen’s treatment time. They’ll need some help staying on track until they adjust to their new routine, and you’re just the person for the job! Here are some useful back-to-school care tips for Invisalign.


4 Must-Know Quirks About Invisalign

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 11:05 pm
Woman holding up two Invisalign trays to form a heart

Invisalign certainly seems like the perfect answer to cumbersome metal braces. They’re clear so your smile still takes center stage in photos, removable for easy cleaning and eating, and more comfortable in general. In many ways, they are a best-fit solution for many people.

However, that’s not to say they don’t come with some quirks! Here are four things you should know about Invisalign.


Can I Just Brush My Dentures While They’re in My Mouth?

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 5:23 am
Dentures lying on a table

When people get dentures, they’re often astonished by just how realistic they really are. Modern prosthetics are meticulously designed to fit your mouth perfectly, making them so beautiful and comfortable that patients sometimes don’t want to take them off!

If that sounds like you, you might wonder whether it’s possible to clean your dentures without actually taking them out, brushing them like you would your normal teeth. Here’s what you should know about that prospect.


You Are What You Eat: How Dentures Affect Nutrition

May 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 2:04 pm
Man with dentures eating

Even after you stop growing, proper nutrition is still imperative to living a healthy lifestyle. In fact, as you age your nutrition can become even more important than it was in your youth, especially when dealing with many of the challenges your body faces over time.

Unfortunately, however, it can be difficult to get proper nutrition as an older adult, especially when wearing dental prosthetics like dentures. Dentures can replace lost teeth, but because they are not secured to your jaw, they simply do not have the same bite force as your natural teeth or as dental implants.


What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Denture Sores?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 8:29 pm
Man has oral pain

While denture sores should be a rare occurrence, they can happen in some cases. While they’re most likely to develop during the first several weeks of wearing a new set of dentures, they can also mean that the dentures need to be relined due to the jaw changing shape. If your denture sores are big and painful, if you think they might be infected, or if they haven’t gone away after two weeks, they can be a reason to be concerned. Here’s a quick overview of denture sores and how they can be treated.


Family Matters: Can Genes Cause Tooth Stains?

March 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 10:47 am
A closeup of a smile with deep tooth stains

Stained teeth tend to result from poor choices. After all, a smile can turn yellow or brown from meals, poor oral hygiene, smoking, etc. However, you may question whether your lifestyle is the only factor at work. Perhaps you’re even wondering, “Can genes cause tooth stains, too?” It’d certainly make sense if you are. Well, your Bedford dentist is here to answer that question. Read on to learn how stained teeth can be hereditary and how cosmetic dentistry would help out.


Before You Beautify: Why Oral Health Is Important for Cosmetic Dentistry

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — meadowparkdent @ 3:46 pm
Dentist and patient after cosmetic dentistry

Dreaming of a flawless smile? Cosmetic dentistry is the best way to turn that dream into reality. However, before you dive into procedures like veneers, whitening, or implants, there’s a critical factor to consider—your oral health. But why does the health of your gums and teeth matter if you’re going to have them covered up?

Read on to learn why your oral health should be in check before you undergo cosmetic dentistry treatment.


Combat Holiday Dental Stain With These 7 Easy Tips

January 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:26 pm

With all the fun and busyness going on in Bedford during the holiday season, it can be easy to put your oral care on the back burner and start neglecting your teeth more than normal. Plus, this time of year usually involves more tooth-staining foods and beverages than we typically tend to enjoy. Here are some easy ways to combat holiday tooth discoloration and keep your smile bright.


Common Problems Caused by Gapped Teeth

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:25 pm

Do you have gaps or wide spaces between your teeth? Maybe you do but you’re not bothered by their appearance. However, having widely spaced teeth holds other concerns besides just the way they look.

There are certain dental problems that are caused by, or more likely to occur when you have excessive spacing. Here are just a few:

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